Witness the Fitness

Just because the weather is cooling down faster than you can say “Season 8 of Game of Thrones should be re-done” doesn’t mean that you have to ditch that #fitspo life. In fact, we say embrace it and get amongst the wicked new additions the team at The Gallery Fitness have added to their swanky gym. Road-test their new ‘Rise and Grind’ HIIT-style class which will get your blood pumping, kick your sweat glands into gear and give you the boost you need to power through the day in 30 minutes; taste some of the new supplements they’ve added to their supplement store, which is also open to non-members; or take advantage of their online training option (available for members at an additional cost) where you’ll get a tailor-made workout updated fortnightly, a custom meal plan updated weekly and easy access to The Gallery Fitness app with its multitude of exercises, motivational posts and videos right at your fingertips to keep your fitness game at its peak.


Witness the Fitness
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