Have a facelift over lunch

Chic destination beauty salon Le Plaisir recommends a treatment so gentle it can be done in your lunch hour: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.

Kaiapoi beauty salon Le Plaisir is your go-to destination for a non-invasive skin-tightening technique called High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). It uses powerful ultrasound beams to create heat below the skin’s surface, leaving the top layer of skin protected. This heat causes minor damage to the dermal cells, which prompts the skin to start the regeneration process, boosting collagen production and leading to firmer, tighter skin. While you go about your business, collagen production continues over the next three months as the skin regenerates. It lifts and tightens your face, but without the recovery time or the risks that come with an invasive treatment, and many clients will only need one session.

La Plaisir salon owner Aniko is a convert. She uses HIFU herself, and says you'll feel a slight numbing sensation at the time, but it doesn't stick around. The treatment only takes an hour, with a full consultation, and there's no recovery time either, so you can get on with your day. You'll see the full benefits of the treatment come through in the first three months, and depending on your lifestyle and skin condition, the results can last for about a year and a half. HIFU can be used to tighten up the face, neck, jawline, upper arms, abdomen, and the inner and outer thighs.

Le Plaisir uses technology from industry-leading  Kiwi company Eclipse, which has taken established ultrasound technology and enhanced it, with huge success across the UK and Australia. This means there's great support around for ongoing training for Le Plaisir, so salon owner Aniko is always up with the latest techniques.


Have a facelift over lunch
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Le Plaisir